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Tyack Health Centre Consultant Visits

Dr Ward is very excited to be partnering with Tyack Health & Medical Clinic in Manly West.  She will do one consulting session a month at the medical centre, offering her Bayside patients a more convenient review opportunity, and allowing a close working relationship with a team of medical and allied health practitioners who pride… Read more

Cancer Research Fundraising Ride

Dr Ward will be riding 670km through South Australia this March to raise money for cancer research.  With 64 other intrepid riders, as part of the Smiling for Smiddy Challenge she is looking forward to pushing herself physically and mentally – all for the excellent cause of finding the cure for melanoma. More details here.

Trekking the Overland Trail

As a keen sportsperson and adventurer, when not providing Orthopaedic services Nicola likes to find new challenges. This provides Nicola a keen insight into the importance of lower limb health, and it’s pivotal role in being able to enjoy an active life. Nicola’s most recent adventure was taking on the Overland Trail in Cradle Mountain… Read more

Royal Australian Airforce Specialist Reserve

Nicola feels very privileged to be a Specialist Reservist in the Royal Australian Airforce, attached to 1st Expeditionary Health Squadron at Amberley Airforce base. Nicola provides specialist orthopaedic services to the RAAF whilst in barracks or deployed.  This has included an orthopaedic clinic at Amberley Airforce Base once a fortnight and several deployments within Australia. … Read more

Svalbard Arctic Archipelago

Nicola relished the opportunity to recommence travel, after what was a very busy time in the Public Healthcare System, and a very unique period of human history for all during 2020/2021.  While exploring the vast wilderness of the Arctic Circle, Nicola came face to face with Polar Bears and Walruses in the freezing temperatures. Whilst… Read more

Videoconference Your Follow Up Appointment

Nicola can call you on a video chat for your follow up appointment.  This service is secure and super convenient.  Please let Amber know if you would like to have your appointment via videoconference; you’ll get a text message when it’s time to chat, and need an internet connection.

Lautoka Hospital in Fiji

Nicola has recently had the privileged opportunity to volunteer her skills as an Orthopaedic Surgeon at Lautoka Hospital in Fiji as part of the Orthopaedic Outreach Programme.  She performed surgery and supervised local surgeons which included fractured hips and patella tendon reconstructions, as part of a busy and very fulfilling week.

Teaching Junior Surgeons

Nicola recently spent two days at James Cook University in Cairns teaching young surgeons the finer points of anatomy & surgical approaches.  It was an excellent educational opportunity for the junior doctors, and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone involved.  Nicola is a Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedics at the University of Queensland.

Nicola is leading research into the use of 3D printing for patients

Nicola is leading research into the use of 3D printing for patients with pelvic fractures at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. This involves creating a 3D model of the patients fractured pelvis from CT scans, to allow for better planning prior to surgery, providing a valuable education resource for training surgeons, and improving patient outcomes through… Read more