If you are having an emergency after your operation please come to the Mater Emergency Centre at 301 Vulture Street; they will call Dr Ward to be involved if required.
For non-emergent matters please call Amber on 1300 NICOLA; she can arrange for Dr Ward to see or call you as is appropriate.
Dr Ward gives comprehensive post operative instructions after all procedures – please read these for the answer to most questions. If they have gone astray during your hospital journey Amber can email you a copy.
- usually the stitches that Dr Ward uses do not need removing
- for most operations the dressing put on at the time of surgery should be kept on until you see Dr Ward at your first post operative appointment for a wound check
- if you do not normally take any blood thinning medications Dr Ward will give you aspirin post operatively to prevent blood clots – please keep taking this even if you have no pain
After most operations you will be seen at two weeks for a wound check, and at two months – sometimes with a new X-ray. Amber will book those appointments for you. Please call or email her to change them if required. Sometimes they can be done as a videoconference or telephone call.